Tangled Man of Pain and Eeriness
“Tangled Man of Pain and Eeriness” is a 4ft tall sculpture created by Henry Chikoti to represent current complex concerns that affect the advancement of developing nations, which lead to the downfall of their economy and individuals. The purpose of this piece is to present the aftereffects of the absence of “developed nations solutions” in the third world.
The piece replicates the fate of many that are born into a world of difficulty and struggle to make of what scarce resources they possess. According to the ‘World Mortality 2017’ data booklet by the United Nations, “in 2015, the life expectancy at birth for Africans, which accumulates for 16% of the world’s population, was 61 years; The average of the rest of the world combined(84%) was between 70 and 80 years. Also, Asia contains the second-lowest life expectancy rate; despite overpopulation exceedingly affects its economy.”
The maturity of nations remarkably depends on the health, security, loyalty, resources and specialists they currently hold. Though these traits are easily written down, committing to these subjects to create thriving communities requires a lot more than hard effort.
Henry preferred to use rope, which is a standard material developing nations have fair access to. He completed the work through countless hours of twisting, recreating and manipulating the line. He intended to produce a dismembered and uncomfortable, human-sized torso with its head and hands placed in odd sections of the main body.
Twisted Rope, 30in x 20in x 40in(lxbxh), 2019.